
Discover 2355 Jobs Available at TransPerfect

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Backend Engineer


TransPerfect is an established company with a start-up culture seeking creative entrepreneurial people like you to join our team. We’re looking for a Mid - Senior Backend Engineer to join our global team to be responsible for the quality, development, and execution of our software products. About TransPerfect: TransPerfect helps organizations navigate the global marketplace. It remains founder-led – and has striven to maintain the ethos and drive that led...

  • Manchester, Manchester
  • IT / Computing / Software

【日本語→英語】特許翻訳者/ポストエディター/校正者 ー Japanese into English Patent Linguist


2025年春以降に日英特許大型案件を予定しており、日英特許翻訳者の方を増員募集いたします。 アピールポイント - 幅広い特許案件のご紹介 - 在宅でのお仕事・フリーランス契約 - 選考に合格した方全員へ無料オンライントレーニングの提供 翻訳言語:日本語→英語 募集人数:複数名 勤務形態:在宅勤務 雇用形態:フリーランス(業務委託) 応募条件: 大学卒業の資格がある方 特許分野において2年以上の日英翻訳経験がある方 過去2年以内に弊社の日英特許翻訳テストを受けたことがない方 弊社のクライアントもしくは競合他社に社員として勤務していない方(利益相反となるため) 英特許翻訳歴を含む英文レジュメをご提出いただける方 あれば歓迎のスキル: CATツールご使用の経験 変更履歴を使用した案件の経験 待遇/報酬: 日英翻訳 (0.04-0.05 USD per Japanese character) 翻訳レビュー/プルーフリード (20-30 USD per 1000 English words volume) 日英ポストエディット (0.025-0.04 USD per Japanese character)

  • UK, UK
  • Customer service / support

【勤務地東京】 ジュニア法人営業/Account Manager -海外研修あり!


★求人を多くの方に見ていただきたいため、「英国リモート」と設定しておりますが、勤務地は東京西新宿です。★ トランスパーフェクトはアメリカで設立され、ニューヨーク、ロンドン、東京、香港など世界で100以上の拠点を展開し、高品質な言語ソリューションを提供しています。 ビジネス拡大に伴い、新規および既存営業活動を行う Account Manager を募集しております。 入社後に、先輩社員からのOJTがございますので、新卒や営業未経験の方も安心してご応募ください。 【業務内容】 新規顧客の開拓(架電、メール、DM郵送など) 見込顧客リストの作成および更新提案 海外の顧客との価格や納期の交渉 制作部門への指示出し、提案、および進行状況の確認 日々の顧客フォローアップ(成果物の品質やサービスに対する満足度調査など) 【インターナショナルな営業チーム】 東京の営業チームは20~40代、インターナショナルなバックグラウンドを持った社員がほとんどです。 入社後に2週間程度の香港でのトレーニングを予定しています。また成績優秀者は年に1~2回海外でのカンファレンスに招かれます。 【明確なキャリアパス】 Account Manager, Account Executive, Business Development Directorとキャリアパスが準備されており、将来的にマネジメントをお願いします。 【若手が活躍できる環境】 海外オフィスでマネジャーとして活躍している社員の大半が20~30代です。30代でVPとして活躍している社員もおり、年齢にとらわれず「頑張った人が適正に評価される」環境がグローバル全体で整っています。 【基本的な採用プロセス - 3~4週間】 人事面接(日本語)→ オフィス面接(日本語)→海外マネジャー面接(英語)→ オンライン適性試験→最終オンライン面接(英語) ※面接の回数が変更になる場合もございます。 【年収・給与】 年俸制:ベース500万円+業績ボーナス 社会保険完備 交通費支給(月額上限3万円) 【必須条件】 日本語:ネイティブレベル、英語:ビジネスレベル(目安:TOEIC880以上) 社内コミュニケーション(ミーティング、トレーニング等)で英語を使用します カスタマー経験1年以上(アルバイト含む) 大卒もしくは同等の資格 問題解決能力および分析力 社交的で人とのコミュニケーションが好きな方 タイムマネジメントやマルチタスクが得意な方 【労働時間および休日】 月~金 9:00-19:00の間で労働8時間+休憩1時間 週休2日制(土日祝日)、有給休暇(初年度15日)、誕生日休暇、慶弔休暇、育児休暇、傷病休暇 【契約形態】 1年目は契約社員(最初の6ヶ月は試用期間)、2年目より双方合意のうえ正社員に移行 ※契約社員の間も、給与、社会保険、有休日数などの待遇は正社員と同等です。 【その他】 オフィス内完全禁煙 【最寄り駅】 東京メトロ丸の内線「西新宿」から徒歩6分 都営大江戸線「西新宿5丁目」から徒歩6分 *** Summary: The position of Account Manager is responsible for developing new business...

  • UK, UK
  • Sales

Linguist (Hebrew>English)


Overview: Associate Linguists prioritize linguistic tasks for various types of documents depending on Production needs and in accordance with their subject matter expertise. Their linguistic skills are certified as part of the hiring process. Description: Understand TransPerfect’s quality standards and ensure they are upheld to meet client expectations Take part in and pass all trainings required for Associate Linguists, including but not limited to their subject matter certification, tech tools,...

  • London, London
  • IT / Computing / Software

Senior Account Executive


Summary: The position of Senior Account Executive is responsible for developing new business relationships and serving as the first level of support to existing clients. The Senior Account Executive serves as a point of contact for the client and is expected to consistently provide excellent customer service and consultation services. They will represent client needs and goals internally within TransPerfect to ensure successful project completion and client satisfaction. In addition,...

  • London, London
  • Accounting / Finance

Senior Account Executive


Summary: The Senior Account Executive is responsible for developing new business relationships and serving as the first level of support to existing clients. They serve as a point of contact for the client and are expected to consistently provide excellent customer service and consultation services. They represent client needs and goals internally within TransPerfect to ensure successful project completion and client satisfaction. In addition, they develop relationships with prospective and...

  • London, London
  • Sales

HRIS Analyst


OVERVIEW We're seeking a HRIS Analyst to join the Human Resources team. This is a full-time role reporting to the HRIS Manager. This role plays a critical role in driving business success by providing comprehensive global reports, dashboards, and insights that enable informed decision-making. This role is responsible for proactively identifying areas of opportunity, highlighting key trends, and delivering actionable recommendations that support the continuous improvement and growth of the...

  • Manchester, Manchester
  • IT / Computing / Software

Linguist (English>Hebrew)


Overview: Associate Linguists prioritize linguistic tasks for various types of documents depending on Production needs and in accordance with their subject matter expertise. Their linguistic skills are certified as part of the hiring process. Description: Understand TransPerfect’s quality standards and ensure they are upheld to meet client expectations Take part in and pass all trainings required for Associate Linguists, including but not limited to their subject matter certification, tech tools,...

  • Manchester, Manchester
  • IT / Computing / Software

Junior Account Manager / Business Developer


Position Summary: The Account Manager is responsible for developing new business relationships and serving as the first level of support to existing clients. Position responsibilities: Develop an effective understanding of the capability, benefits and competitive advantages of TransPerfect’s services Identify prospective customers and individual organizations to focus on sales activities Develop new client relationships via cold calling, Internet, and trade shows In coordination with Sales Management, identify, qualify, develop and...

  • London, UK
  • Accounting / Finance

Sales Account Executive


TransPerfect is a global leader in the language services and technology industry. Our services portfolio covers everything from business support services such as translation, interpretation, multicultural and digital marketing, SEO and website globalization, to multimedia work, video, e-learning and training, and pharmaceutical support services. All services and client partnerships are aided by best-in-breed software platforms, specialized in optimizing business processes. This role will specifically focus within our fast-growing Life Sciences...

  • London, London
  • Management / exec / consulting

Linguist (Hebrew into English)


Overview: Associate Linguists prioritize linguistic tasks for various types of documents depending on Production needs and in accordance with their subject matter expertise. Their linguistic skills are certified as part of the hiring process. Description: Understand TransPerfect’s quality standards and ensure they are upheld to meet client expectations Take part in and pass all trainings required for Associate Linguists, including but not limited to their subject matter certification, tech tools,...

  • York, UK
  • IT / Computing / Software

Junior Account Manager / Business Developer


Position Summary: The Account Manager is responsible for developing new business relationships and serving as the first level of support to existing clients. Position responsibilities: Develop an effective understanding of the capability, benefits and competitive advantages of TransPerfect’s services Identify prospective customers and individual organizations to focus on sales activities Develop new client relationships via cold calling, Internet, and trade shows In coordination with Sales Management, identify, qualify, develop and...

  • London, UK
  • Accounting / Finance

Translation Project Coordinator


TransPerfect helps organizations navigate the global marketplace. It remains founder-led – and has striven to maintain the ethos and drive that led them to grow organically year-on-year for the past 30 years. Starting in an NYU dorm room in the early 1990s, TransPerfect is recognized as the largest translation and language services company in the world, with thousands of employees located in 100 offices around the world, surpassing $1 billion...

  • London, London
  • IT / Computing / Software

Linguist (English>Russian)


Overview: Associate Linguists prioritize linguistic tasks for various types of documents depending on Production needs and in accordance with their subject matter expertise. Their linguistic skills are certified as part of the hiring process. Description: Understand TransPerfect’s quality standards and ensure they are upheld to meet client expectations Take part in and pass all trainings required for Associate Linguists, including but not limited to their subject matter certification, tech tools,...

  • Manchester, Manchester
  • IT / Computing / Software

HRIS Analyst


OVERVIEW We're seeking a HRIS Analyst to join the Human Resources team. This is a full-time role reporting to the HRIS Manager. This role plays a critical role in driving business success by providing comprehensive global reports, dashboards, and insights that enable informed decision-making. This role is responsible for proactively identifying areas of opportunity, highlighting key trends, and delivering actionable recommendations that support the continuous improvement and growth of the...

  • London, London
  • IT / Computing / Software

HRIS Specialist


OVERVIEW The HRIS specialist is part of the Human Resources (HR) department and works closely with the global HRIS team on day-to-day activities. This position is responsible for processing employee updates in Workday and complying with all legal requirements related to hiring, terminations and departmental procedures including handling confidential personnel records. As an integral part of the department, this position will provide HRIS support and assist with generating headcount reports...

  • Manchester, Manchester
  • IT / Computing / Software

HRIS Specialist


OVERVIEW The HRIS specialist is part of the Human Resources (HR) department and works closely with the global HRIS team on day-to-day activities. This position is responsible for processing employee updates in Workday and complying with all legal requirements related to hiring, terminations and departmental procedures including handling confidential personnel records. As an integral part of the department, this position will provide HRIS support and assist with generating headcount reports...

  • London, UK
  • IT / Computing / Software

Linguist (Hebrew>English)


Overview: Associate Linguists prioritize linguistic tasks for various types of documents depending on Production needs and in accordance with their subject matter expertise. Their linguistic skills are certified as part of the hiring process. Description: Understand TransPerfect’s quality standards and ensure they are upheld to meet client expectations Take part in and pass all trainings required for Associate Linguists, including but not limited to their subject matter certification, tech tools,...

  • Manchester, Manchester
  • IT / Computing / Software

【英語→日本語】 金融翻訳者- 投資銀行や株式レポートに精通した方


トランスパーフェクトは、金融分野でご経験をお持ちの翻訳者を募集しています。在宅フリーランスとして、柔軟な働き方で活躍できます。 【仕事内容】 ・英語→日本語の金融文書(主に投資銀行やエクイティリサーチ) ・翻訳に必要な調査や文献収集、確認業務 【必要な資格・能力・経験】 ・四年制大学卒業以上 ・金融翻訳実務経験2年以上 【あれば歓迎】 ・CATツールの使用経験 【待遇】 報酬:完全出来高制 その他:勤務地は在宅フリーランスとなります。

  • UK, UK
  • Engineering

Sales Account Executive


TransPerfect is a global leader in the language services and technology industry. Our services portfolio covers everything from business support services such as translation, interpretation, multicultural and digital marketing, SEO and website globalization, to multimedia work, video, e-learning and training, and pharmaceutical support services. All services and client partnerships are aided by best-in-breed software platforms, specialized in optimizing business processes. This role will specifically focus within our fast-growing Life Sciences...

  • London, London
  • Management / exec / consulting

DevOps Engineer


TransPerfect is an established company with a start-up culture seeking creative entrepreneurial people like you to join our team. We’re seeking a Development Operations Engineer to join our global TechOps Team, to be responsible for ensuring the integrity, reliability and maintenance of our internally developed software products from conception to release. If you’re ready to join a growing company and make an immediate impact, we want to hear from you...

  • Manchester, UK
  • IT / Computing / Software